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Boho Rainbow Trinket Dish
Boho Rainbow Trinket Dish
Boho Rainbow Trinket Dish
Boho Rainbow Trinket Dish
Boho Rainbow Trinket Dish
Boho Rainbow Trinket Dish
Boho Rainbow Trinket Dish
Boho Rainbow Trinket Dish
Boho Rainbow Trinket Dish
Boho Rainbow Trinket Dish
Boho Rainbow Trinket Dish
Boho Rainbow Trinket Dish

Boho Rainbow Trinket Dish

Our Boho Rainbow Trinket Dish adds a boho touch to any room. The dish has a large watercolor, boho rainbow with two clouds on either side. It not only has a rainbow on it, the dish itself is in the shape of a rainbow making it a unique shape. The rainbow is paired with a beautiful gold accent foil trim. It brings all the good vibes to any room you place it. The size is ideal for a catchall dish. It blends into your boho decor, so place it in your entryway to empty your pockets when you come home. It can hold your keys, wallets, change, and everything you might have in your pocket after a long day. The dish can also be used as décor in your living space as a candy dish or a decorative tray.