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Immune Support EO Roller - Posh West Boutique
Immune Support EO Roller - Posh West Boutique

Immune Support EO Roller


We all use this roller daily.  We roll it on the bottom of our feet in the AM before we put our socks on for the day to give our immune system that extra boost of support.  We also use it in acute situations more frequently throughout the day.  Can also be rolled up the spine for extra support.  

*****All of my rollers are made with pure essential oils free from synethetics or fillers.  I use organic jojoba oil as my carrier oil which is great for the skin without leaving an oily residue.  Please contact me at with ANY questions at all about the rollers or using essential oils safely.  I am happy to answer any questions.  I am not a medical professional and I will not give medical advice when it comes to using essential oils.  My family has safely been using essential oils for almost 5 years.  Keep all oils out of direct sunlight!